FWC'S THR3E Youth is a thriving student ministry that includes Middle School and High School students. We meet on Thursdays at 6:30pm in Port Orchard at Sidney Commons (4885 Hovde Rd., 98367). We offer high-energy worship music, games, food, small groups, and thought provoking messages based on the Bible.
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FWC Youth gather every Thursday in Port Orchard from 6:30-8:00pm. They are encouraged to arrive early (between 5:30-6:30) for pre-service activities, snacks and a chance to hang out with friends.
Once service starts, they enter the sanctuary for a time of worship, games, and a relevant message from the Bible. Before they are dismissed, they break up into small groups (groups divided by grade levels) for discussion, support and prayer. THR3E Youth meets at Sidney Commons (4885 SW Hovde Rd., Port Orchard).

Throughout the year, students will have the opportunity to participate in many activities and group events. Some events are for the whole group and some are designed for individual small groups. Some activities include paintball, ice skating, movies, camp outs, sleep overs, conferences and concerts.

Summer camps are the highlight of the year at THR3E Youth. It is a time when students can unplug, get away and have time to deepen their relationship with Jesus.
It's also a great way to build stronger connections with other students and church leaders. We value our investment to Summer Camps and make it a priority to get as many students there as possible.